The Contractor - Owner 6D Advantage

The 6D Advantage

As an Owner the BIM benefit pays for itself from project inception on through to its reclamation. At project inception the BIM allows the owner to see the structure or project as a virtual As Built Model and to make changes early on through better visualization. The cost benefit of changes made at the design stage can be considerable. As a contractor the 3D model allows broader project knowledge and understanding of the As Built project before the construction phase saving a considerable amount of time, money and resources.


The 4D or Scheduling portion of the BIM Model allows the contractor an invaluable resource of great proportion. Allowing the contractor to see the project at all phases of construction through As Built simulations gives the ability to better schedule work force and materials to insure a savings in time, money, and resources.


The 5D portion of the 6D advantage is an incredible resource to the owner in the fact that it allows a more precise estimate of the cost of the project and materials to be used in its construction. VBL can show how to pull detailed material information is brought out of the model and used for a more defined overall project cost allowing for changes early on in construction.


The final and possibly most beneficial portion of the BIM is the 6D portion or the Facilities Management end of the project. Here the Model allows a detailed one stop source for all Building Information from occupancy on through reclamation. This information can prove to be an invaluable source and cost savings to the project owner and Facilities Management Firms.